Broad beans
17 Jun


Another vegetable that we really love. Broad beans can be found fresh or dry. Fresh ones are usually boiled with fresh artichoked which is a great salad. Numerous recipes for this delicious veggie, mine is with a lemon – dill sauce served with yogurt.


1/2 kilo fresh broad beans
50 ml olive oil
1 red onion, finely chopped
1 spring onion, finely sliced
Fresh dill, chopped
Juice from 1 lemon
2 tablespoon corn flour
Vegetable stock
Salt, ground black pepper.


– Heat olive oil in a pan and saute onion and spring onion
– Add the broad beans and after 2 minutes add the vegetable stock
– Bring to a boil, lower the fire to medium and cook until broad beans are ready
– Add dill, salt, pepper and cook for another 1 minute
– In a small bowl, mix corn flour with the lemon juice and some water if needed.
– Pour it over the food and mix well until you get a thick sauce
– Served hot with a spoon of yogurt and some smoked paprika on top